Monday, September 8, 2008

A Few Firsts

Taidyn had a lot of new firsts over the weekend....

We never really dine out for breakfast, but since I was feeling ill we thought we would take a quick trip to B-king (we also had coupons to use). It was a first for Taidyn and she has a Burger King crown from the experience, which she refers to as her princess/birthday crown.

Her daddy (mommy was home sick) took her to her first UW football game against Air Force. Even though Wyoming lost, Taidyn still had a blast! She loved cheering, watching everyone else cheer and hearing the band play!!! She was a very good girl! The highlight of the game- seeing/playing with her best friend Jordan, eating a piece of yummy pizza and chewing on some Twizzlers.

Taidyn has accomplished a huge milestone in her preschool life ... she said good-bye to pull-ups at night! She has kept her bed dry for two nights (in a row)!!! We made her a star chart and told her if she could stay dry eight times (not in a row), then we would take her somewhere special to celebrate this huge milestone! So far, it seems to be working. Yeah!
She got to talk to a lot of her family over the weekend: Great Grandma Bennett, Aunt Tami, Gram & Gramps K. She was sooooo happy to tell each of you how she has been! Steve and I thank you for allowing her that opportunity.

I will end by saying even though I was under the weather all weekend, it was one of the best weekends spent with my family! It was nice not to do anything!

Well, I did do something, I captured these photos of Taidyn this weekend! Enjoy!!!